The Launceston Women’s Shelter Inc announced as a Safe Places Grant recipient

The Launceston Women’s shelter Inc has been awarded $1,900,000 by the Australian Government as part of the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation program.
The Launceston Women’s Shelter Inc said the grant would allow them to increase emergency accommodation and provide women and children somewhere safe to escape violence.
“The Safe Places Grant of $1,900,000 will enable the Launceston Women’s Shelter Inc to build additional new units. The Department of Communities Tasmania has also identified $4,000,000 for this project as priority under Action 7 of the Affordable Housing Action Plan 201‑2023,” Jennifer Bertram said.
Minister for Families and Social Services and co-chair of Women’s Safety Ministers, Anne Ruston, said the grants will help women and children experiencing domestic violence to find a safe and secure place to stay.
“It is an important investment to create real and lasting change to reduce violence against women,” said Minister Ruston.
The $60 million Safe Places Emergency Accommodation program is part of the $78 million funding package which includes $18 million to continue the Keeping Women Safe in their Homes initiative. This funding forms part of the $340 million Australian Government investment in the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010 – 2022.
For more information on the Launceston Women’s Shelter Inc, visit For more information on the Safe Places grants, visit the Community Grants Hub.